The Science Quiz | Discoveries that transformed their fields

Nikesh Vaishnav
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1. The accidental discovery of X in 1964 — even though its existence had been predicted in 1948 — set off a series of important studies into the evolution and structure of the universe. For example, in 1987-1988, the examination of one of its features suggested the universe was almost flat, not curved. What is X?

2. In the early 20th century, scientists were struggling to explain how far-flung areas on different continents shared ecological similarities. Name the German geologist who posited an explanation called continental drift, which matured in the next five decades into the theory of plate tectonics.

3. While a variety of ancient philosophers imagined the earth could be orbiting a “fire” at the centre of the universe, Nicolaus Copernicus presented its first mathematical model. Likewise, who introduced the concept of elliptical orbits in this heliocentric model?

4. In 1859, Charles Darwin introduced the theory of natural selection as the means by which species evolve. Name the American scientist who found that mutations in genes are the fundamental biological source of diversity.

5. Before the discovery of oxygen and the process known as oxidation, scholars explained combustion by positing that combustible objects contained an element called __________ that became liberated when the objects caught fire. Fill in the blank.


The work of Edward Lorenz, Ellen Fetter, and the woman above helped prove there are natural systems like the weather that evolve very differently if their initial conditions are tweaked only a little. Name her.


1. Cosmic microwave background

2. Alfred Wegener

3. Johannes Kepler

4. Theodosius Dobzhansky

5. Phlogiston

Visual: Margaret Hamilton

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